The Benefits and Challenges of a Hybrid Work Model


Hybrid work has evolved from a model born out of necessity to a fundamental mainstay of corporate culture. In a hybrid work model, employees divide their time between working in the office and working from home. Today, many companies use a hybrid work model to give their employees the flexibility to work from home while also reinforcing the connections that come with face-to-face interactions in the office.

In this article, we’ll break down the benefits and challenges that come with hybrid work. For more valuable insights, have a look at our deep dive on hybrid work, visit our home office solutions page.

Benefits of Hybrid Work

Implementing the hybrid work model can bring a lot to the table for medium and large companies. Not only does it benefit the employees, it also provides employers with a new range of possibilities. Let’s dive in and see what the hybrid work model has to offer to businesses of all sizes.

Enhanced Productivity

One of the major benefits of hybrid work is that it enables employees to become more productive when they work from home.

According to a two-year study from Stanford University, employees who worked from home experienced a productivity boost equivalent to an entire extra workday compared to workers in the office. Without the demands of commuting and a greater work life balance, workers were able to complete more work and experience greater satisfaction.

Reduced Office Spending

Filling an office with the right equipment can be expensive. Standard equipment like printers, computers and chairs as well as monthly costs like rent and electric bills can quickly add up.

With fewer workers in the office at any one time, hybrid work helps companies reduce expenditures on everything from office supplies and energy bills to cleaning. Companies can then redirect those cost savings into growing their business through activities like adding new employees, investing in marketing or expanding into new markets.

Employee Well-Being

According to a 2020 study based on interviews with over 10,000 workers and consumers, over 56% of participants believe that hybrid work has the potential to improve their well-being. Employees at home can get back the time they would otherwise spend commuting and enjoy a greater work-life balance. Conversely, employees in the office can benefit from stronger collaboration and reinforced social ties from face-to-face interactions.

Experiencing both of these working conditions on a weekly basis helps employees get the best of both worlds.

Greater Retention

It can be time-consuming and costly to find and train replacements for outgoing staff. Hybrid work enables companies to lower their turnover and raise retention rates. According to a 2021 survey of millennials, a whopping 82% of millennials would be more loyal to their employers if they had flexible work options.

Giving employees the ability to work from home at least some of the time lets more stay-at-home parents and caretakers continue working.

Benefits of Hybrid Work

Challenges of Hybrid Work

Although it has many benefits, implementing the hybrid work model in a medium or large business also comes with challenges. Let’s take a look at the most common ones and how to overcome them.

Proper Equipment

In a distributed workforce, it can be difficult for workers to have the right equipment. Home offices often aren’t equipped with ergonomic monitors and chairs, or even the dual screens needed to create a productive working environment.

Companies can get around this issue by providing workers with a work-from-home stipend as well as sending workers home with USB-C monitors or dual displays.


With some employees working from home and some from the office, it can be a challenge to get everyone on the same page. A lack of in-person discussions can lead to miscommunication and misunderstandings.

With solutions like ViewSonic® myViewBoardTM software, companies can hold inclusive meetings that engage everyone by making them feel like active participants with valuable ideas to contribute.


For some employees, one downside to working from home is that there’s a greater lack of boundaries. Workers at home might feel a need to be on call more often and work more than if they were in the office. While this means that workers might get more done, it might lead to a lower quality of work.

Not only do burned out workers experience a drop in quality and/or productivity, but when those workers quit, companies have to invest extra resources, time and money into training new replacements.

By setting clear expectations for when workers are supposed to be available and when they’re supposed to be offline, companies can create a healthier working environment which both attracts new talent and supports employee retention.

Challenges of Hybrid Work

Final Thoughts

Although there are undeniable benefits to having a hybrid work schedule, companies should also be aware of the challenges in adopting this model.

But by making a few simple changes, companies can create a hybrid work schedule that works for everyone.

For more information on building a more collaborative environment, check out this guide on choosing a video conferencing monitor. You can find more information and insights about remote work in our deep dive on hybrid work or on the ViewSonic Work Solutions page.


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