Set a Personal Goal that Matters

A month into a new year and many of us often feel that we have already failed for the year. Whether it’s too much chocolate or soda, or not enough time away from screens, many of us have dropped the ball on our New Year’s resolution. But the things is, we still have a lot of year ahead of us. So instead of beating ourselves up over a silly resolution, let’s shift our focus to a personal goal that truly matters.

New Year, New Career

Pursuing a new career can have a monumental impact on your life. Instead of spending your weekdays counting down to the weekend, and spending your weekends dreading Monday morning, a career you enjoy can make each day more meaningful.

The best way to select a new career is to pick one that feels meaningful. Teachers rank with paramedics and firefighters when listing jobs that truly make a difference. Importantly, these are careers that allow you to make a transition without several years of additional training and university tuition. If you’re ready to make a transition to a career that matters, consider that “teachers matter more to student achievement than any other aspect of schooling.”

Online teacher certification is easy and affordable, and it leads to state-approved licensure just like degree programs do. Read on to learn how you can become a teacher without uprooting your life.

A New Personal Goal: Become A Teacher

Now that you’re considering that teaching could be your calling, you’re probably curious how you can make it happen. If you already hold a bachelor’s degree but it is in a subject other than education, pursuing alternative teacher certification is likely the right path for you. Here is how you can make it happen.

  1. Read this blog post to learn more about whether alternative teacher certification is right for you. For bonus reading, this blog post will detail which states have recently made alternative certification easier.
  2. Once you’ve realized you’re ready to learn more about certification, visit American Board is an industry leader in alternative teacher certification with 15,000 teacher alumni to our name. *To certify with American Board, you’ll need less than $2,000 total for tuition and less than one year of study time.*

Steps to full, state-approved certification include…

  1. Enroll in American Board’s online certification program. You can choose to pursue any subject area for certification, no matter what you studied in college.
  2. Determine a study schedule that works best for you. This can include evenings or weekends. American Board does not require any set class schedule; flexibility is a key feature of this program.
  3. When you feel prepared, you’ll take your two required final exams. One exam covers the art and science of the teaching profession, the other covers the subject area you plan to teach.
  4. After passing your exams, you’ll contact your state department of education for state licensure.
  5. Once licensed, you’ll start teaching in your local school!

It’s truly that streamlined and easy! So, ask yourself what you’re waiting for. Why stay in a dead-end job that fails to make you feel fulfilled when you could easily do something more meaningful. Make this year your year and transition to a teaching career!

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