In Memoriam: Michael Maccoby | Shanker Institute

It is with sadness that the Albert Shanker Institute acknowledges the passing of longtime board member, Michael Maccoby. He was 89. Michael was a talented expert on leadership, an accomplished author, and sought-after consultant and advisor. On the Shanker Institute Board of Directors, Michael was a leader and thoughtful contributor. We will miss him.

In a January 2018 blog post for the Shanker Institute, “For a More Just and Prosperous America,” Mr. Maccoby closed, “We need leaders who transform fear into productive activity, bring us closer together, and spark hope by working to implement a vision of a more just and prosperous America.” The Albert Shanker Institute remains grateful that Michael Maccoby devoted his life to studying, elevating, and being that kind of leader.

A Harvard-educated scholar in social relations, his work drew on social psychology, cultural anthropology and Freudian psychoanalysis, and bridged the world of business and academia.

Michael Maccoby was a globally recognized expert on leadership, who for 40 years has advised global leaders in businesses, governments, unions, universities and nonprofit organizations in 36 countries.

He was the president of The Maccoby Group in Washington, D.C. He had a BA and PhD from Harvard University, where he directed the Program on Technology, Public Policy and Human Development at the Kennedy School from 1970-90.

He graduated from The Mexican Institute of Psychoanalysis where he studied under Erich Fromm and with him wrote Social Character in Mexican Village. He is author of The GamesmanThe LeaderWhy Work?Narcissistic LeadersThe Leaders We Need, lead author of Transforming Health Care Leadership, and author of Strategic Intelligence.

In appreciation of his work in Sweden, he was made Commander of the Royal Order of the Polar Star. He was a fellow of the American Psychological and Anthropological Associations and the National Academy of Public Administration. He was been a visiting professor at the University of California, Santa Cruz and Sciences Po in Paris. He taught leadership at Oxford University’s Saïd School of Business where he was an associate fellow. The Washington School of Psychiatry presented him a lifetime achievement award. He was also a strategic leadership advisor to Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos , homes schools and healthcare in nine countries in Latin America and the Caribbean.

For more information on Michael Maccoby’s extraordinary life and contributions, please read this Washington Post obituary.

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