I’m Exhausted. But We Got This.

I’m Exhausted. But We Got This.

I saw this on my Twitter feed and it struck a chord.  Caution: The following is a pep talk and a whole lotta personal opinion.

At first I answered this way. Proper exhausted.

But then, after a few hours of thinking about it, and a 2 hour Sunday nap  – I added this:

So yeah, I’m exhausted. I’m anxious. Stressed out. Not a little scared. SO OVER Standardized Testing.  Oh and …..weirdly and at unexpected moments, quietly freaked out. Not like a panic attack – but panic attack adjacent. 

BUT….It’s our job.

This might not have been what we trained for or expected but if not us, then who? Or whom? 

Let’s step it up – we got this! Front line workers, nurses, doctors, police, fire, other public servants — they can’t give up – and neither can we. C’mon — We can do this. I know that sounds simplistic, but really? What is the alternative? Moaning and groaning that we can’t do this  – doesn’t solve anything. It will only drag you down. But I get it, the fear is real. Now, Maryland has a pretty high vaccination rate — and I have to admit, the former waitress…err server in me remembers to go with the “fake it till you make it” mentality.  Gosh forbid this also sounds like Toxic Positivity – I swear, sometimes I just am trying to convince myself. 

Then after the clouds – a bright spot appears. A kid will say thank you and that they LOOOOOOOVED the book. A 6th grade class I cover when we don’t have a sub – cheers as I come in the door. My assistant brings me a cookie. But man oh man am I glad this isn’t my first year teaching. THAT would be a REAL challenge. God Bless and prayers to all you baby first year Teachers & Library Media Specialists. If you have questions or want to vent – you can always email me!

How am I coping?


SQUEE! I really try not to be an author pesterer but I am an Elly Griffiths fangirl, so the fact that she replied to my Tweet had me really squeal IRL. 

What do you think? Am I being too Pollyanna here? Maybe because I’m retiring this year I feel like I can tie a knot and hold on until June…..but our kids NEED us!

Please do comment and tell me what you think and feel.

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