5 New Additions to the EdTech Graveyard

5 New Additions to the EdTech Graveyard


This year the EdTech Graveyard honors the memory of 5 more tools that have passed on. Since 2019 the EdTech Graveyard has served as a memorial to EdTech tools that have checked out and a place to find some alternatives. 

New Additions

Visit the EdTech Graveyard to pay your respects and find alternatives to these new additions:

  • Internet Explorer – After 27 years, we’re going to have to find a new way to download Google Chrome.
  • Wordle.net – the O.G. of word clouds.
  • ClassBadges – create and issue digital badges.
  • ForAllRubrics – The way we made rubrics before they were just a part of every LMS.
  • ToonDoo – If only they had been as good at cyber security as they were at making comic strips.

Share Your EdTech Obituaries

Have a sight to add to the EdTech Graveyard or an alternative to suggest? Let me know in the comments below or on Twitter.

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Nick LaFave

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