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Self-Directed Learning: Best Practices – eLearning Industry

Self-Directed Learning: Best Practices – eLearning Industry

How To Learn Effectively

Becoming a self-directed learner is something you might want to do if you want to share traits with luminaries like Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Henry Ford, and Benjamin Franklin. Passive (formal) education is not a guarantee of success or a safeguard against failure, as the aforementioned experts in their respective disciplines have demonstrated; it is simply the route that is most frequently pursued. Being a self-directed learner is no longer an option. It is rather a certain necessity, given the demands of the modern job market and the swiftly shifting business trends. Read on as we discuss the most effective learning routines if you’re hoping to become your own teacher and student or are looking for ways to enhance your self-directed learning outcomes.

Ways To Enhance Your Self-Directed Learning Outcomes

1. Take Responsibility

Learning is an active process, as we’ve already discussed, and accepting responsibility is the first step toward acquiring any knowledge. You might as well have the proper mindset toward learning, given that it is increasingly becoming a lifelong adventure rather than a process with a predetermined time limit. Assessing your circumstances and accepting responsibility for your actions and outcomes, whether you’re a star student or a school dropout, will not only make you aware of the scenario you’re in but also give you the ability to modify your results if you want to.

You can only become “the master of your fate”—as William Ernest Henley phrased it—if you take responsibility. Take charge, and the rest will usually fall into place. This does not imply that you must learn everything on your own, but rather that you must actively engage in your education. A harmful misunderstanding of this is that there are instances when we are merely passive recipients of the information. In school, it is customary for someone to instruct us rather than to create an environment that facilitates learning. With self-directed learning, you control the context, which makes a difference.

2. Set SMART Goals

Setting SMART (specific, measurable, action-oriented, realistic, and time-defined) goals as opposed to VAPID (vague, amorphous, pie-in-the-sky, irrelevant, and delayed) goals is the next step after accepting responsibility. Setting objectives like “performing very well at all of your tests” is insufficient. For instance, if you live in the UK and attend university, before you set the goal of passing the exams by the end of the year, you can search for thousands of study notes and past assignments and so make your study notes considerably superior.

3. Productivity Is Equal To The Activity

The importance of activity in the context of learning cannot be overstated. It’s critical to find a strategy to keep yourself interested when studying, whether you’re doing so in person with your teacher or through reading, watching, or listening to instructional content. Make notes, underline, highlight, and locate arguments. These are all excellent exercises you should perform, but keep in mind that they all serve the same, single objective: to get you to reflect carefully on the concepts being discussed and to relate them to your prior understanding of the subject. Finding the study method that works best for you might also help you find a better way to keep yourself interested in the content you are learning. However, keep in mind that the method you choose shouldn’t be based purely on personal taste.

4. Make Priorities

It will take some planning to finish the urgent and crucial tasks on the way to achieving your SMART objective, just like it would in the workplace. Utilize all of the materials at your disposal if you want to become an authority on a subject, but practicing will be more productive than studying alone if you want to improve your skills. You can evaluate the significance of your assignments using the well-known Eisenhower matrix, much like in a work environment.

In Conclusion

You’ll want to assess what you’ve learned and where you stand in relation to your goals once you’ve used every strategy on this list and gone through the self-directed learning process. Consult with experts to get their opinions on your confidence and on the practical application of the principles you’ve learnt. Consider how you could use what you have learnt in your everyday life. Don’t skip the final step, because you won’t be able to gauge the success of your learning process without an honest self-evaluation.